
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Cognitive behavioural therapy is a combination of behavioural strategies and cognitive therapy (Zayfert, 2006). Aaron T. Beck was the founder of cognitive behavioural therapy in 1963, initially his work focused on depression. The basic principles of cognitive behavioural therapy are people’s thoughts, emotions and behaviours and all work together in a unified system (Curwen.B, 2000). B. Curwen states: “That thoughts can lead to emotions and behaviour; and that emotional disorders arise from negatively biased thinking (which lead to unhelpful emotions and behaviours); and that emotional disorders can be helped by changing such thinking” (Curwen.B, 2000). Amy’s problems started with a ‘near-miss’ car accident which caused Amy to …show more content…

Amy’s relationship with Claire is suffering as Amy feels that Claire is fed up with her behaviour (line 96). Amy is suffering re-current dreams which are also linked with her post traumatic stress disorder, the dreams are causing Amy to scream and cry (line 97). Claire does tell Amy that she loves her but Amy does not consciously believe the counter evidence and dismisses it which feeds her core belief. Amy’s negative automatic thoughts cause Amy to fear danger, this is shown on lines 84 93, her negative automatic thoughts cause Amy to become hyper-vigilant. When out and about she constantly looks out for danger, which is causing Amy to become anxious. Amy is avoiding driving as she feels that it’s not safe for her to drive, Amy has no counter evidence to support this thought. The accident has changed Amy’s original core beliefs, that the world is safe, she’s loved and she has control. Her negative thoughts, emotions and behaviours are maintaining the problem, causing a vicious circle. The steps of cognitive behavioural therapy that Amy needs to change her core beliefs and negative behaviour are taught in two main steps. The first stage of therapy is verbal technique, which will attempt to teach Amy to cast doubt on her core beliefs, this is done by talking to the therapist about her thoughts and feeling at that present time, this will help Amy make a connection herself about her feelings and thoughts. The

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