
Cold War Dbq

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During and after the chaos of the War, many policies were set in place for a myriad of reasons. For example, in the decades prior, people used to be able to come and go through a country whenever they wanted. After, however, the League of Nations ruled that traveling should be standardized, in an attempt to improve national security, possibly to try to prevent someone of such importance from being assassinated like that again. Thus, passports became pretty much mandatory to move. [WSJ] It’s worth noting that it’s taken almost a century for only some of the European countries to finally scrap passport checks; they’re not always efficient and are possibly unnecessary in the modern age. It’s no understatement to say that the War messed up many countries’ economies. The UK and Germany went through different …show more content…

Meanwhile, the Russian people’s anger at the elites ruling the commoners was given a chance to take center stage after several crushing military defeats by Germany throughout the war. Eventually, this anger caused the Bolshevik party to take over and establish the Soviet Union. Speaking of Communism, China had been in turmoil for the past few decades before the war. They had hoped that, after Germany was defeated, they’d be given the ports that Germany had colonized in China by the Allies. However, they instead gave it to Japan, who wanted them anyway. This really made the Chinese angry, and so a revolution was sparked. The Communist party was founded some two years after the success of the Bolsheviks in neighboring Russia inspired many. [WSJ] However, this was just a brief summarization; the reality would be far too complicated to incorporate and would better off be in its own essay. Although World War II is often thought to be the cause of the half-century Cold War between the Allies and the Soviets, its

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