
Cold War Vs Ww2 Essay

Decent Essays

The differences in reactions outweigh the similarities in this analysis. During the time after WW2 and the Cold War era the United States had a completely different approach towards foreign threats, and regional instabilities that could serve as a purpose of harm to the United States fragile foreign policies. One thing to be noted is that all these threats were treated differently mainly due to them not being carried out on American Soil, while 9/11 was an attack on the American Soil, people, economy and a scar that will always remain in the hearts and minds of the American people. Many procedures undertaken by the Americans with the Soviets and other Non-Arab states have revolved around economic sanctions, stipulations, exiles and embargoes. …show more content…

On the morning of the 11th of September shock waves through every TV screen were deeply embedded in American households which translated into anger and vengeance. It changed our foreign policies, landed us into wars that have created enormous turmoil and instability in the Middle Eastern region. Coming back home, a lot has changed since the horrendous day may that be Defense budgets, the way we travel, the price we pay for travel and the rise in Islamophobia. Many Muslims have been victims of Islamophobic comments and actions carried out by misguided and fearful nationalists, I personally believe many of these issues could be avoided if we weren’t so politically correct and didn’t fear interfaith dialogue. But the fear of being labeled racist and the pressure of being politically correct has led America into the hands of a volatile leadership who’s rhetoric revolved around fear, emotion and blame gaming. The B&H article relates to the above paragraph as to why such issues have risen and how post 9/11 has created an US vs THEY environment with the majority now teaming up against the minorities in this country mainly due to differences that have never been whipped into the peaceful process of

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