I didn’t have to read this article to form an opinion on this topic. Being that this topic is not new, I have already developed a strong and distinct point of view. Colin Kaepernick, who is a black, former, American football player, is one of many participating in the Black Lives Matter movement as of today. I for one commend him for his displays of courage and activism throughout the 2016 football season. But he could have chosen a different way to protest. When Colin Kaepernick kneeled during the “Star Spangled Banner” a mass dispute over race, patriotism and football broke out across the United States. Many people who were opposed to Kaepernick's protest believed he was disrespecting our military by not standing with his hand over his …show more content…
Although his actions were heavily criticized and caused much controversy he stilled received the publicity needed to attract attention to the issue. But do you think he would have received the same amount of awareness if he had done something different? For example he could have filmed a video and posted it to all his social media accounts as his only response to the situation. This action might attract media for a couple of days. But by kneeling during the “Star Spangled Banner” he generated massive audiences from all over the United States within a couple of minutes and it lasted for weeks. Colin Kaepernick may not have chosen the best way to protest. But the media sure did pay him a lot of …show more content…
But he is not the first to protest these same things. Numerous African-Americans have peacefully protested in support of their race. Tommie Smith, John Carlos, Muhammad Ali, Jackie Robinson, and Hardy Williams, are all people who have protested the rights of black people. The peaceful protests these people have participated in may be denounced and frowned upon by society. But they are also celebrated and congratulated. In retrospect, each and everyone one of these people have told the truth and promoted the same idea of equality among all
Colin Kaepernick feels that minorities are not being heard, so he used his higher status to draw attention to the racial inequality by not standing during the national anthem, instead he took a knee. The author of this article feels that the playing of the national anthem has brought politics into the NFL as opposed to Kaepernick as some people feel. However, this article also touches on the fact that his teammate at one point had also taken a knee in support of Kaepernick’s efforts. The way he chose to express his feelings has caused him to be viewed in a negative spotlight by many people all over the country. There are people even outside of the United States who have heard about this controversial situation Kaepernick has been going through.
African American athletes have long been conflicted as to whether or not they should feel patriotic to a country that has oppressed their people. Kaepernick has chosen the best time to shine the spotlight on him with the non-patriotic act since his country is divided between Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter. There have been many people siding with, like the thousands of men and women who have tweeted the hashtag #VeteransForKaepernick, and people opposing, like Donald Trump
After watching day after day of the many police shootings killing innocent Blacks on the news it was only a matter of time before someone rose to the action. That person was Colin Kaepernick and his way of showing a difference was to kneel instead of stand during the National Anthem before their game against the Los Angeles Rams in week one.
Colin Kaepernick exercised his first amendment rights by peacefully kneeling in protest for the mistreatment of colored people in this country. His main goal was to make people realize what is happening in this country. With the recent innocent killings of unarmed black men such as, Alton Sterling, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray and many others. The American flag is supposed to represent liberty, freedom, and justice for all but, these things are not happening for all right now in this country. The selfless act that Kaep is taking is way bigger then him, he is speaking for people who don’t have a voice or the platform to start a conversation.
A big controversial topic going around in the news over the past few weeks has been Colin Kaepernick and his stand to end the hardship for people of color and police brutality in the United States. This silent stand started early this preseason when a number of different events involving people of color and police officers around the United States not getting along. However, this has started to become more publicized as more and more people in the National Football League have been joining in with Colin Kaepernick and taking a knee or sitting during the national anthem. This stand has become way more than a simple silent stand as many people around the nation are starting to voice their opinions on this subject. Even though everyone argues their thoughts on this subject.
Colin Kaepernick stated, “So I’m in the position where I can do that and I’m going to do that for people who can’t.” I agree with him. Why? Is because everybody has the right to their own opinion. I mean if we have this position, why not do it? When you know that it’s for a good cause. If I was in his position, I would do the same thing. I wouldn’t regret my actions and wouldn’t be ashamed for what I stand and believe in.
Colin Kaepernick, a National Football League quarterback, kneeled during the playing of the National Anthem as others stood in the respect of the United States flag. American soldiers fight and die to defend our country and for citizens to be able to speak freely. Kaepernick was showing no respect for the ones who fight for him. Many NFL viewers lost respect for him as he tried to gain attention for the Black Lives Matter movement. He was trying to gain respect from viewers toward black people but in actuality not only was he directing our country he was disrespecting all citizens including black people. Why would an individual want to follow someone who’s reasons are misleading and advertised falsely? The article, “O’er the ramparts we watched
Colin Kaepernick’s protest gained national attention due to his position in the NFL. Realizing that his protest would reach a much wider audience than any regular citizen, he chose to demonstrate that something needed to be done about the
While Kaepernick is jobless people carry on what he left so not just the NFL knows about it, but the entire world. People keep striving to send a message to the people that they care. Since so many people watch the sport the news gets around that they want different. Lots of little kids look up to NFL players thinking I wanna be like one of them one day. Younger children and teens and even adults see some of the best players as role models. If more of the star players in this professional sport of football sat during the national anthem it really could have an impact on society. If this protest could even spread to other sports, that is more people paying attention to the the topic.
On September 21st, Christine Brennan reported Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand while the national anthem was being played in National Public Radio’s (NPR) online portal (www.npr.org). All through the National Football League 's preseason matches, Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, refused to stand for the national anthem. He clarified that he took this stance to point out what he sees as wrongdoings against African-Americans and different minorities, especially with regards to certain atrocities in police activities. Kaepernick has stated he is showing support for the Black Lives Matter movement, which was sparked by a number of police killing innocent black people. When addressed by journalists after the first occasion when he did not stand for the national anthem, Kaepernick stated that, “he would not show respect or pride in a flag for a country that continues to oppress African Americans and people of color.” He added that this was much bigger than any game and that it would be selfish on his part to look away. He also claims that there were bodies lying on the streets and people were getting away with murder. I don’t think Brennan understands why he chose not to stand fully. I think this also could have led to more attacks from other writers and reporters that have been inform of his true reasoning. I do not think he was disrespecting the flag or people that fight for it, but just making a stance to get
Colin Kaepernick protested the Black Lives Matter in a disrespectful way to our nation’s flag. According to the author, Merrill Matthews, “ By protesting the national anthem, they are protesting America”. Matthews also states, “Playing the national anthem is a time for patriotism, not politics”. Think of it this way, by protesting
While discussing the success of the demonstrations in the Speak for Yourself radio show, Fox Sports sports commentator, Colin Cowherd explained “I believe this entire thing, has been successful. He protests, there is pushback. He is booed, he is cheered. Some players followed, lost their endorsements… people are discussing it. This embodies what we are about.” In the United States we are entitled to our own beliefs and our ability to have a voice. Through the actions of the players voicing their beliefs, the entire scenario has gained national attention. Colin Kaepernick’s among other athletes concern over this situation demonstrates their affection for this country in the hopes for improvement of this country. Through his protests the entire country has engaged in debate his actions and the topic he stands for.
A Football player named Colin Kaepernick is the quarterback for the San Francisco 49er’s he is protesting racial injustice by not standing for the National Anthem.In August, National Football League (NFL) quarterback Colin Kaepernick began refusing to stand for the national anthem. Many people spoke out against the San Francisco 49ers player for his action. In the midst of a divisive election year, an important discussion about race class and violence in this country was almost abandoned by the news media.Then something surprising happened. Many in the sports world supported Kaepernick and his right to protest. Many did so even as they continued to stand with their hands over their hearts for The Star-Spangled Banner.
Overall, people will debate this issue again and again, but it will not change the personal beliefs of Kaepernick and other players who are following his lead and protesting the current state of the country. While people may not agree with these actions, they have certainly brought a massive amount of attention to the issue, which is part of Kaepernick’s initial goal. Any attention brought to the issue, whether positive or negative, is still helping raise
Mistakes have been made on the front of black rights awareness. It is understandable why Kaepernick did what he did, he wanted to raise awareness for something he cared about. To an extent it worked it got people talking about him but for all the wrong reasons. Everyone is talking about how he did not stand for the pledge instead of black rights. It is perfectly in his right to protest for things and campaign for what he cares about but how he did it was not the right way. He turned his back on one group of people to try to support another which is not how you “fix america” and you can see this in the media with what everyone is saying and the veterans that are in outrage.