
Collaborative Governance: Public Goals In Turbulent Times

Good Essays

Reflection Paper
Tinamarie Knowlton
Dr. R. Ersing

Upon my reflection of the readings of Collaborative Governance: Private Roles for Public Goals in Turbulent times, Chapter’s 1 through 7, I discovered how collaboration in Public Administration is an important tool when dealing on all levels of government together with the public and private sectors. Donahue and Zeckhauser discuss how information and resources is very important in collaborating with public and private partnerships. “Bring the knowledgeable party into the tent. That is the generic argument for collaborations motivated by information. When government lacks information essential to the accomplishment of a public mission and private actors possess …show more content…

Resources and responsibility were out of alignment. (Donahue, Zeckhauser, 2011) .In order to avoid another failed response to disasters, as was done in Hurricane Katrina, emergency management networks needs to learn to communicate with each organization within the response framework and to better their understanding that collaboration will produce benefits. Responsiveness and collaboration can be easily confused. Confusion can help stimulate the desire for hierarchal control and disasters will produce responsiveness. Responsiveness to be effective will not occur without collaboration. (Koliba, et al, …show more content…

Donahue, J., Zeckhauser, Princeton University Press, 2011, “Collaborative Governance: Private Roles for Public Goals in Turbulent Times” Chapter’s 1- 7, Resources, required class reading.

Koliba, C., Mills, R., Zia, A., Public Administration Review, March/April, 2011, “Accountability in Governance Networks: An Assessment of Public, Private, and Nonprofit Emergency Management Practices Following Hurricane Katrina”, Retrieved from Web on September 2, 2014.

Special Report of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, 2006, retrieved from Web on September 20, 2014, 109srpt322.pdf

Van Heerden, I, ,August 29, 2006, “What Went Wrong”, Retrieved from Web October, 15, 2013,

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