
Collaborative Group Experience

Better Essays

Introduction Groups and teamwork are an essential aspect of everyday life. It is suggested that “groups have the potential to outperform individuals” (Mottola & Utkus, 2009). There are several facets that impact teamwork, including communication, and cooperation. Conflicts and challenges are also important aspects that can occur in teamwork. It is imperative to understand effective models, and actions that can be taken to establish successful work. Experiential learning will be used to analyze a group experience that the author found to be meaningful. Additionally, team dynamic concepts and theories will aid in analyzing the experience.
Concrete Experience A meaningful group experience revolved around a group presentation for evolutionary …show more content…

The various challenges and conflicts impacted all the members of the group, and resulted in a subpar presentation. As the presentation was a significant portion of our final grade, it was imperative for the author as well as several other members to take initiative and salvage the presentation before it was a complete disaster. The author behaved in this manner to ensure the requirements of the assignment were met, and the presentation was delivered in order to avoid failure for the assignment. The other members of the group that also took initiative to complete the assignment were motivated to achieve these goals as well. The individuals that lacked participation were fueled by conflict and determined to create a negative experience because of refusal for agreement. The individuals removed themselves from the group and choose to work on aspects of the presentation alone. This impacted the group negatively because there was lack of communication, and opinions from everyone involved. Joan Bunashe and Lindsay Broder suggest that “conflict isolates individuals and can have an impact on creativity and productivity” (Bunashe & Broder, 2015). The actions of the individuals who refused to participate in the group obstructed the presentation flow, and resulted in a negative experience for

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