
College Admissions Essay: A Career In My Autobiography

Satisfactory Essays

I was always different from the other kids in my class. I was reserved and quiet. Most would tell me that I always look like I was in deep thought. Well that's because I was. I always thought that I thought deeper and viewed the world differently than other people my age. I had a great interest in people, in fact they fascinated me. I greatly enjoyed meeting new people and listening to their life or things they like. So I guess one could say my interest in Anthropology dates back to grade school. History was always my best subject, I would always sit at the front of the class "bright eyed and bushy tailed". But I especially loved when they talked about different civilizations of people and the thing they did. When it was time to decide where I wanted to go to college and …show more content…

So I just went with what I had done all my life, music. I loved music ever since my first piano lesson when I was eight but it soon turned into a chore. I began to hate playing but still I continued on. I often told myself that I would get better, but the more I thought about being a band director for the rest of my life the more I started to realize this was not for me. Then after a lot of thought I changed my major to business. My life seemed to be going know where. There was so many things that I knew I wanted to do I just did not know how to pursue them. I had always wanted to open up a small business so I thought maybe I will try this. Still I could not shake this feeling that I had no idea what I needed to do with my life. I prayed and prayed for God to show me a sign, anything. The sign did not come until my last semester at ICC, when someone suggested that I could study anthropology. At first I had no idea what it was or such major existed, so I did my research and found this to be the major I was looking for. I already had the University of Tennessee in mind and when I found out that Anthropology was offered I knew this was the right

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