
College Admissions Essay: Achieving A Professional Career

Decent Essays

being born and raised until my teenage years in New York kick off my the development of myself today. New York is one of the biggest cities in the world filled with different cultures and people very diverse. this is the being of my shaping of myself being around so many people with different lifestyles which help me to learn that even in this big city there is the world out there that one day I hope to see. New York also shapes me to be a hard worker the pride that is taken in being successful in life by achieving a professional career and making a living so being around motivated and career driven peers and family. at the age of 12 my family packed up and move from New York to Georgia to live down south and see what southern hospitality was all about. living in Georgia was totally different things were a lot slower and family was extra important, a closer bond than the average family in new York also sports, sports were …show more content…

joining the military you have to work as a team no "I" in the Navy which I was familiar with because of my sports background teamwork was number one rule so the military wouldn't be such a shock if I never be a team player. but i learned a lot even more about different cultures by actually visiting countries that people I met in the United States and see their way of life back in their native homeland also eating their food and drinking the local beer while sighting seeing always made me enjoy the experience of being a sailor. Besides traveling the world and having fun the military shaped me to be even better person not just through teamwork but through the training and the spirit of being a American patriot with honor,courage , and commitment and willing to fight for America in the world's greatest Navy. these events in my life help shape the man I am today and I am glad that I was blessed to have such things happen in my

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