
College Admissions Essay: Everything Matters In High School

Satisfactory Essays

High School In high school we think that everything matters. Yes, in the long run the huge decisions we make do matter, but who you date, and what sport you’re in, may not matter in the real world. We all believe that we belong to a certain…’cliche’. When in reality that’s just who we decide to be friends with. As for me some may say i'm not the most popular and that i'm lacking style, putting me in the ‘geek/lameo’ category. People need to realize that labels don’t matter. Oh labels, such a funny word. A word that we use to describe and or categorize things, mainly other peers. We have the jocks, the preps, the honor roll kids, the geeks, the class clowns and finally the losers (the ones who have already dropped out or are failing). The

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