
College Admissions Essay: Life As A Mother Of 3

Decent Essays

Life as a Mother of 3 Life as a mother of 3 is very different and more challenging from when I was a child. It has taught me a lot about myself, others and life as a whole and how different this world was, has, and is becoming. It has also been a growing process and if I may say so myself, growing is not always comfortable. I have found that one of the most challenging things is how difficult it can be to raise children in a time when morals and sound mental status has become a choice instead of a requirement. My parents taught me that your morals and how you perceive things will mold your world and bring others with like minds into your space and it is becoming more unbalanced and very unpredictable each day. Integrity has become more and more obsolete while what others think of you has become more important. I feel that as parents we should get back to the quote one quote “old way of doing things”, and give our children more of a foundation to build a balanced and more stable life. Raising children have taught me that everyone will not do things as I would do or as I think that they should be done. My son Kevin, daughter Semaj and Naomi are all different in their own unique way, therefore I have to approach them all differently in a way that they will understand and comprehend what I try to convey to them. Kevin and Naomi tend to need more examples and illustrations, while Semaj my middle child takes what I say to her and makes it her own in a way where she can …show more content…

I’ve learned it will teach you some things that no one can ever say or explain to you. You will have to go through them, learn from them and grow into the person that you were ultimately supposed to be and you just so happen to produce a wonderful extension of yourself, someone you can be proud of and someone that can touch others’ lives in a way that you could never

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