
College Admissions Essay: Overcoming Anxiety In High School

Satisfactory Essays

“Don’t let fear stop you from achieving what you want,” says the President and founder at Metaphrasis Language & Cultural Solutions LLC, Elizabeth Colon. This advice has been given to me multiple times as I wrestled with mental health. Anxiety in our youth is becoming a more common thing to see in America however knowing how to cope with anxiety is not often taught but has to be figured out.
As many students become excited for their first year in high school, it was difficult for me to relate as anxiety began to creep into my life for the first time. I began to question my abilities, if I was even capable of continuing on after high school when I was barely capable of getting through the easiest year of the next 4 of my life. However, Colon’s …show more content…

It has been a growing journey that I am sure that many students have gone through. Perseverance has become my best friend in making it this far. I take pride on being in the top ten in my class, in being chosen by my principal to be part of the student advisory council in my school district, to be a leader in my school’s music program, in being president of the ambassadors of my school’s magnet program, and being accepted into the 2016 Youth Leadership Institute. It is without a doubt that I am going to be overcoming my mental health. Fear now has an off switch in my …show more content…

Whether I get accepted or not, applying is the first step. Flicking the fear switch to OFF is imperative this year as I choose the path I absolutely aspire for. Getting a degree in chemical engineering is what I’ve wanted since the 6th grade. The difficulty in receiving a degree in that major will not make me look for an easier path to take; overcoming a challenge has always been a part of me. My best friend perseverance is coming with me no matter where I go, fear will not decide what I achieve- I

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