
College Admissions Essay: The Benefits Of College

Decent Essays

All my life, I have been a committed, straight-A student, trying to build the knowledge and skills needed to attend a “good” university. Looking back at those late nights studying, or early mornings at it sometimes became, I realize that I had invested so much time in the hopes of receiving a piece of paper saying, “Congratulations! You’ve been accepted!” Now, here, at Texas Christian University, I have finally reached my goal that I spent over a decade preparing for. However, as I begin to start my freshman year, I am left with one question: what is college for? For sometime now, I have chewed on this question and recognized the complete benefits of college. First, college is a place to develop your professional skills required to become successful in the work force. At first, college may seem like “high school part 2” because we are taking general education classes such as calculus or environmental science. However, once we have completed these courses, we begin to take classes that actually start to become applicable to our future careers. …show more content…

At college, we are challenged socially, making new friends, meeting different kinds of people, and stepping outside of our comfort zone. College is meant to be “awkward” for us socially so that we can challenge ourselves and reach our full potential. Like my grandfather always said, “Pushing your limits is the only way you are going to grow as a person.” Also, we learn skills such as time management and organization, key requirements used everyday in adulthood. With all the academics and extracurricular activities, we, college students, are forced to create schedules and not procrastinate. Personally, I have never needed a planner in high school, but now I use one because there are so many things I need to remember about. After three weeks, I realize how valuable my time is and have sharpen my skills with

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