I play with swords. Ever since I was little, I knew that something set me apart. In the playground, while my brothers played in the sandbox, I would be swinging on the monkey bars and climbing poles. While my friends enjoyed sitting around and talking during recess, I would play soccer and tag with the boys. I longed for something to challenge me and put my athletic skills to the test. So, when my parents asked me whether I wanted to try fencing, I agreed. In the beginning, fencing was just something to help me exercise and stay fit, a sport to keep me away from electronics. However, it later became a huge part of my life. The reason why I like fencing so much is simply because it’s fun. The action and thrill during a bout, cheering
Renaissance Jousting and fencing John choi pr 1 One of the earliest forms of weapon to weapon combat was jousting and fencing. Jousting was one of the earliest forms of horseback combat for soldiers, before it was even a sport, and fencing dates back to the Egyptians as an early fighting style. The art of jousting involves the use of a lance which was a long pointed spear with a cone all the way to the base of the handle and fencing required a Rapier, which was a thin long sword that was more of a jabbing weapon than a slicing weapon. These two martial arts have been through lots of changes throughout the renaissance.
For some people, sports and other activities are seen as essential for children to participate in. In certain cases, parents may tend to push their children into a ridiculous amount of activities leading to different effects on the children. For other parents, their children’s involvement in activities is very important, but rather than pushing their children, they encourage them to try new things. With this encouragement, these parents see having fun as the number one reason for activities rather than competition. In the article, “Kids’ Sports: Too Much Pressure,” Amy Miller suggest that making an activity or sport seem too competitive could have a huge number of effects on a child and that having fun should be what all sports and activities
I've been playing sports for about ten years, and always had quite the passion for it. I have play a couple sports, I played baseball for four years and i wrestled for about four also. Then i got into rodeo i've been riding horses ever since i was for but never really did much competing until i was around seven
Throughout my life, sports have always been my escape. If i’m mad about something that happened in school, I am able to go play sports and get lost in them. For me lacrosse is a huge deal. Something about it makes me so happy. I have so many accomplishments from starting Lacrosse that I am so grateful for. Lacrosse has made an impact on not just my life, but also my families. Throughout the years of playing lacrosse I have developed skills, friends, and memories that I wouldn’t trade for the world.
I have always loved sports ever since I was a little kid. Some of my earliest memories are of playing soccer with my friends on a wet, cold spring day or hitting a ball off of a tee and feeling like it went a mile, when in reality it only went about fifty feet. Even to this day I still can never get enough of sports. I get about four weeks off out of the entire year where I’m not technically in a sport, but I’m still always practicing and trying to get better because that’s the only way I know. I love everything about sports: the friendships, the competition, the passion, the atmosphere, the unity. Sports are one of my true loves and they consume my life. It is this strong desire that I have for sports that has driven me to want to pursue a
Now that you know you need to replace your pool fencing, you are presented with a range of different materials to consider. Glass, timber, and steel are all relevant choices for your new pool fence, but many parents are concerned whether glass is the best choice to protect their children. Here are three reasons to help convince you that switching over to glass pool fencing is a lot safer that you may have previously thought.
“See you a practice!” is a phrase that most people will say to their friends throughout childhood. Thirty-six million children in the United States play a sport. That is over half the children in the United States. However, even with that statistic, some children are still inside all day watching television or playing video games. Many parents do not enroll their children in a sport because they believe it will result in injury, or the child is going to feel left out. Some even believe that their child will be looked down upon if they are not as good as everyone else. They believe that if the child has more time on schoolwork it will raise their grades. But most children love to play outside and learn new sports. It is a part of a child’s nature to run around and have fun. Only some parents realize that children who play a sport can have more discipline than those who don’t. Sports can also give children experience working with others as a team as well as confidence in themselves. Children and teens who play sports are more likely to have higher confidence, be more disciplined, and work better with others.
If I didn’t like this sport, I would go find one with a bench in it. Running is a mental sport. No half times, time outs and no breaks. From start to finish….. I run cross country. Cross country is not just me being athletic it’s: I train, I’m confident, I have the guts, sprite and the Accomplishment when you finish strong. Fun, active, skillful, cross country will make me happy no matter what. I believe in cross country.
I have been doing competitive cheer since I was about four years old. I love the adrenaline when you step out on the stage and the nerves in your gut worried about what going to happen that blue mat. Your heart racing as you run through the fog along with loud music that you cannot even concentrate on. Hearing out parents scream out our name, so excited about what they are going see and what we have accomplished. All the sprained ankles, sore muscles, stiff necks, concussions, and broken noses and nose bleeds had lead me up to that moment.
I think middle schools should teach fencing .It might not seem like a good idea but it could be a good thing.It could be the extra ciricular activity they are looking for! Middle schools should just give it a shot. I think middle school students should be taught fencing because its some kids dream to sword fight, it’s also a unique skill, it’s a sport that could be really fun and competitive.
Fencing is an outlet for personal expression. For many, it is a way of life. However, this this way of life is dying out. There is much debate about classical fencing vs. Olympic fencing. Olympic fencing uses much of the same equipment but is very different from classical fencing. Making many believe that classical fencing is the way of the past.
Many say Track & Field is an individual sport, but in my opinion it is not. When I am nervous before a race, I turn to my team mates. When I need help on perfecting a Field event, I not only can turn to my coach, but I can turn to my team mates. I have realized that Track & Field is my favorite sport because the bond I have formed with my teammates is like no other. I do not even consider
When I found fencing in my freshman year of high school I knew I had found a sport that was and is very meaningful to me in a variety of ways. I knew absolutely nothing of it. But I took to the sport quickly. Whenever I put on the mask, it gives me an immense feeling of strength and confidence. Fencing created a sense and desire in me to be my best as a fencer but also pervaded other aspects of my life as well. It became important to me to develop my fencing skills to the best of my ability so that when I was able to fence at the individual state championship I would be able to secure myself a top spot in the competition. When I arrived at the tournament and began the bout, I realized that I was woefully under prepared, losing in my first
One thing almost every young child looks forward to is the activity of play. Kids love nothing more than to go outside, run around with friends, and get dirty. If children are already active at a young age, why not encourage them to continue by enrolling them in an organized youth sport program? Young people will gain many positive experiences by participating in organized physical activities, but none as important and influential as the social skills, physical skills, and mental skills developed and nurtured during their time in youth sport. As a result, the young participants can continue to build upon and cultivate these skills which will ultimately be transferred into their development as successful adults. Along with the social and
Lauren Tarshis, the author of “Should Kids Do Extreme Sports?”, tells the story of Jett,a seventh grader injured while trying to master a trick on a skateboard.During his practice to get it right, he fell and almost died. His injury later healed and he went back to pushing the limits. According to Tarshis, Jett’s coach and father,Geoff, says that his son has acquired grit to help him in school and avoid drugs or alcohol. Geoff says it has helped him find passion and identity. This changes extreme sports athletes into becoming stronger on the inside. This proves that the outcomes of extreme sports can improve kids in various ways.