
College Admissions Essay: Why I Am Nothing Without God

Decent Essays

Kiera Knightley said it best, “my upbringing is why I am the person I am today”. One’s community, family and environment will substantially effect their life. Having wise parents with a significant amount of faith has brought me to the God-fearing young lady I am today in my extracurricular, academic and everyday life. Every year in basketball we have Scott Lange, a motivational speaker come speak to our program. God has used Mr. Lange to help me take pride in my ability to participate in my activities. Growing up I was taught that I am nothing without God. My talent in basketball and voice in choir are meaningless if I don’t humble myself to know that everything I do, I do it for the glory of God and for the benefit of humanity. In a student’s academic life there is only so much they can do on their own; the rest must be left in God’s hands. My junior year in Spanish 3, I felt overwhelmed because I wasn’t very successful in the years past. I sat down and studied and tried my best to comprehend the language then I prayed to God that he would not only help me pass but help me understand and to find favor in my teachers’ eyes. I did my part and surely God did his; in that class I felt relieved and I felt that I understood what I was being taught. That year I realized that not only must I study to …show more content…

There is a young lady on my basketball team who has been struggling in her academics. Her mother came to me and asked if I could talk to her daughter and share some tips that I do to make sure I’m on top of my grades. Being showered with nothing less than God’s grace, love and mercy it would be selfish of me not to extend my help. I gave her a planner to stay organized, a pack of pens for notes ad also a sheet with tips on how to manage her time, and on the back a list of bible verses that got me through the year. God’s grace is not to be contained but to be shared with

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