
College Education Worth The Cost

Decent Essays

College Education Worth the Cost
What you guys think does College Education Worth the Cost? In the article “The Wall Street Journal” edited by Riley, she said that a college education does not worth the cost. Again, she claims that most of the colleges are doing their business, they did not care about the student (Riley). Those types of colleges have lack serious core curriculum, they did not know their responsibility towards the student. Moreover, I will not support the Riley argument because I am going to support the article “college is still worth the expenses,” written by Justin Draeger. College education worth the cost from different ways. All college student does not have same aims to attain college. After high school some students have no any ideas what to do next. Those students just attain college, make friends and get some idea from them than only they decided what to do in life. Some of them continue college education and some of them find another field in which they are interested than only they start their journey. In this research essay I am going to argue college education worth the cost in several ways such as: Earning a college degree is all about opening up opportunities in life, being educated person, and getting better career opportunities. College worth the cost because earning a college degree open up opportunities in everyone’s life. In this world, education becomes necessary not only important.

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