
Is College Worth The Cost?

Decent Essays

Many people throughout history have said more or less the same words in many different ways, from Presidents to philosophers, from dictators to martyrs, men all through history have come to the same conclusion; knowledge is power. The question of knowledge being equal to power is not the question that has so many people preoccupied in the current economic climate. That statement as fact has been branded into the minds of young people in America and all across the world for so many generations that the point seems hardly worth debate. Now the question has become, “Is knowledge money?” The cost of a college education has skyrocketed to the point that many would be students are asking themselves, is college worth the cost? This is a question that cannot be answered universally for all who ask it. Statisticians and Department of Labor bean counters can crunch the number all day and develop some very compelling arguments for why it is financially beneficial to get a 4 year bachelor degree but these numbers can cover up some very concerning gray area. The first of which is how is it going to get paid for? Knowing you will make somewhere around $20k/year more than your non-degreed counter parts does not always tip the scale (Is College Worth it?, 2014). You have to also take into account the total cost of education, including student loan interest, as well as the 4 years of earnable income lost while going to school. A potential college student must also know themselves, how they

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