
College Essay On Dyslexia

Decent Essays

One might not believe when a group of doctors figured that kids can have difficulties reading, despite their intelligence quotient. This neurological disorder is called dyslexia. Now one might wonder: Why this name for a disorder like this one? The word dyslexia is derived from the ancient language of Greek, dys (meaning poor or inadequate) and lexis (words or language), which ultimately means inadequate with words or languages, which absolutely makes sense because people with dyslexia does have a hard time reading context.
Dyslexia is very generic among both kids and adults, as almost 20% of the American population is diagnosed with dyslexia. Even though dyslexia is something you are born with, symptoms start coming into you when you are in preschool, middle school, or maybe even high school. The symptoms starts showing up gradually, so it is not easy to identify if you have dyslexia. However, if you think you do, it would be best to consult an adult or a doctor. Some of the symptoms that starts showing up if you are born with dyslexia are: struggling with word memorization, difficulties in foreign language classes, forgetting to spell or pronounce a word, or if you are reluctant to read something. …show more content…

If you find out that you are diagnosed with dyslexia when you are a child, chances are, the sooner you could make it easier for yourself. Four ways to make reading easy for dyslexics are by observing, listening, and memorizing words and phrases. The main cause is found inside the brain, according to research. Dyslexia could be genetic or it can be acquired. According to The Yale School of Medicine, a defect in a gene known as DCDC2 causes dyslexia as the gene is related to reading performance. It also could be acquired by the cause of brain injuries, strokes, or other types of

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