
College Go To College Essay

Decent Essays

College Is the Best Thing You Can Do for Yourself

Many high school seniors choose to go to college over getting a job. They all make this decision with the belief that it will be more beneficial in the end. With this hope in mind, students are willing to pay thousands of dollars anticipating that it will have a greater payoff in the end. Although many people oppose this theory, students worldwide are willing to take the chance. Attending school for a couple more years is well worth it. With the goal of overall security and eradication of financial stress, attending college is more likely to foster success in the end. College teaches young adults valuable life lessons that benefit them in the future. “The biggest lesson college taught me is that I’m fully responsible for everything that happens to me” says Benjamin Houy (Brooks 1), meaning that your professors will not make sure you are in class and getting your work done on time. At the same time, you will learn how to take charge of your own learning. Most of the time in college, the answers do not come easily, “you’ll have plenty of opportunities trying to find a way to acquire the skills you need to turn your dreams into a reality” (Brooks 1). While attending college, you will be gaining knowledge on tasks like budgeting, multi-tasking, note-taking, and working with others. As these lessons are “not taught in courses” (Hoyt 1), they are learned throughout your experiences during your time on campus. “If you don’t worry about yourself in college, nobody else is going to do it for you” states Elizabeth Hoyt, explaining how you need to take care of yourself and become independent. These skills become especially useful in the workplace when you will have to work together with co workers to get an assignment done for your employer. College has the ability to change a person’s life in many positive ways. Each year you attend college, the higher your annual salary becomes. Rachel Beckstead explains how adults with a high school diploma earn $35,256 while those who obtained a master’s degree earn an average of $69,732. Nearly double than if you ended your education after high school. As going to college open doors, “you can increase your job options simply by

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