
College LGBT Students Discrimination in Employment, Education and Community: Problems and Possible Solutions

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College LGBT Students Discrimination in Employment, Education and Community: Problems and Possible Solutions
Alcantara, Ma. Romelie
Azucena, Claire

The Seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan (2006) once said that “Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance.” However, despite this and all of the actions done by the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) groups, gender discrimination is still visible in our country especially in the sectors of employment, education and society. It is evident in the recent years that the number of LGBTs in these sectors has been increasing and …show more content…

Miss Pao Alcantara (personal communication, November 15, 2013), a member of the organization of LGBT students from the University of the Philippines, told us through an interview that:
It is really difficult to be an LGBT individual in the Philippines. For one, it’s really hard to come out as an LGBT because of the fear that our families won’t accept us, or people will judge us because of our sexual orientation and gender identity. We also see discrimination everywhere, from the companies not accepting transgender applicants, or firing employees who do homosexual acts…. For now, it’s really difficult. But I hope that it will change through time.
Recent studies reveal that more big companies abroad are now accepting LGBT in their companies. Discrimination among these LGBT is diminishing in other countries. They can get promoted and are given greater work responsibilities based on their abilities (Hewlett & Sumberg, 2011). According to a 1996 Newsweek magazine poll cited by Fitch (1997), a majority of American voters and even successful companies are conformed in the equality for gays and lesbians in the workplace. Likewise, Human Rights Campaign studies revealed that more than 300 employers are also giving benefit to the LGBT employees and are supporting their groups. Furthermore, different organizations such as

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