
College Solution

Decent Essays

College tuition, something that everyone has to worry about and save their whole lives for. What would happen if college tuition disappeared and college was suddenly free? In this rhetorical analysis, I will be analyzing two different articles on if college should be free. While both of these articles use logos to prove their statement and make their argument stronger, one discusses and argues that college should be free for everyone and the other disagrees and discusses why college tuition should stay as is. They both also bring in politics to secure their point. In the first article, “College Doesn’t Need to be Free” by Charles Lane, Lane discusses what Bernie Sanders has said about college, and the fact that he disagrees with it. Lane …show more content…

In Lane’s article, he states that Bernie Sanders solution would “cost the Treasury $47 billion in its first year, amounts to a single-payer system for higher ed”. (Lane, paragraph 5) This statement appeals to logos, to help Lane prove that making college free would not be good. It also proves that getting rid of college tuition would cost the government a large amount of money. Which is not a great idea for the economy. In Warren and Sonti’s article they also use logos to make their point. They discuss facts such as, “81 percent of high-income high-school graduates already attend college, compared with 51 percent of their low-income counterparts” (Warren and Sonti, paragraph 2) which shows how large the difference between students that go to college can afford it and those who might not be able to. They also bring up that the data doesn’t include students that drop out because they can no longer afford it. These statements reinforce the idea that college should be free since some students have to quit because they can’t afford it, and it also shows that not a lot of low-income students are able to go to college. Throughout reading both articles, there are a few differences other than just their stance on this topic. In Lane’s article he also uses pathos to get on the audience’s emotional side. He does this rather well when he brings up the fact that he too is a parent of a high school senior and is facing college

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