
College Tuition Cost Benefit Analysis

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“What do you want to be when you grow up?”-a lingering question posed to countless children time and time again. Some people find the answer immediately; others take a little longer, but eventually everyone figures out who they want to become. After deciding between traditional professions like doctor or lawyer, and unconventional paths like acting or farming, “grown-ups” are faced with an even more vexing query: “now that you know what you want to be. How will you afford to achieve that?. Since Gen X (the generation after the baby boomers) attended college, the price of tuition has increased significantly. In fact, “over the past 35 years, college tuition at public universities has nearly quadrupled” (Campos, 2015). This issue creates noticeable anxiety for college students who must struggle to find a method to pay for a higher education without falling into massive debt. The solution to rising tuition costs is far from simple and entirely political; however, there are ways for students to afford an …show more content…

It always has been and it consistently will be. The classes are difficult, and no one is really sure what to do. Students have so many things to worry about, and money should not be one of those things. The rising cost of a higher education is a serious issue in America and something must be done; however, in the meantime, students should to prepare themselves and take initiative to put college back within their reach. Students need to take that extra shift at the diner even though their feet are blistered, and they’re falling asleep where they stand. They need to spend a few more years in their parent’s house, and they need to erase the negative stigma around asking for help. At the end of the day, students will know that every last penny they struggled to dig out of their pocket for tuition was spent on much more than their education. They will know that it was an investment for their

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