
Colonial Unity And Nationalism During The Development Of Colonial Colonies

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In the colonies, there were many different types of people, each with contrasting beliefs on where they lived. Although, eventually colonial unity and nationalism grew exponentially qmduring the Revolution, through papers, protests, and organizations, because of British oppression. This oppression caused national unity by creating a common enemy. Before the development of colonial unity, colonists enjoyed the British idea of salutary neglect. This was the philosophy that the colonies did not need any British government influence other than a trading partner. The only problem the colonists faced was internal. The colonies did not get along, or communicate very well across boundary lines. They saw each other as independent nations rather than pieces of a nation. The only thing colonists were worried about was social status inequality, because most citizens had very little money. One reason that the colonies saw themselves as independent nations was because they were not all from the same area. For example, there were many French people living in the north. The English rulers of the time, achieved a massive debt in England because they, did not appreciate French people on the American continent and went to war. In England, they called this the Seven Years War, because of how fighting, in the war, lasted a little longer than seven years. By the end of the war England had succeeded in kicking the French out, but had also put themselves in large economic pit. The result was a

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