
Colonialism In Pre Colonial Africa

Decent Essays

For centuries Africa has been referred to in The West as the “dark continent.” This phrase has been used as a cruel jest, referencing the skin pigmentations of the many peoples living on the continent, but more so to denote the perceived backwardness and primitive nature of the societies found there. Western society has in effect generalized the whole of pre-colonial Africa as being uncivilized. The basic layout of the “dark continent” view is that the pre-colonial African society was barbaric and unsophisticated, European Imperialism brought civilization and stability, and the troubles facing post-colonial Africa are the fault of primitive tribalism and other remnants of pre-colonial past. This approach to understanding Africa is in fact false, and there has been much researched and written to discredit the stereotypical western “dark continent” perspective. Authors such as Lady Jane Acquah have written that pre-colonial Africa was home to vast expansive empires which featured complex administrative and political structures (Acquah, 2012). Chinua Achebe in his seminal novel Things Fall Apart, depicts tribal/communal pre-colonial African societies as complex and dynamic, while providing both societal structure and political stability (Achebe). The writings of Alex Thomson have indicated that the effects of European colonialism are responsible for many of the difficulties facing states on the continent today (Thomson, 2016). Collectively, these authors writings reveal that

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