
Colonization Of Mars

Decent Essays

The Colonization of Mars is an ongoing plan, not set in stone, but very likely. It opens up potential for new resources, new living space, and new biological changes possible for the human body. The physical characteristics of Mars are fairly similar to those of Earth, meaning that part shouldn't be hard to adapt to. However, the temperatures on Mars are substantially lower than those on Earth, as well as the gravitational pull. Statistics show that Mars has potential to be something great, but potential isn't promised, the possibility of all volunteers being killed on the mission is very likely, not to mention they will never be coming back to Earth.
The flight to Mars, considering there would be a minimum of 100 people on the ship, would be crowded and unpleasant. It expected to take approximately 7 full months to travel from Earth to Mars. Problems are introduced when you add up …show more content…

The lack of gravity alone will introduce problems, including muscle mass depreciation and a less active heart system, as well as “space-induced osteoporosis” and a “nausea-inducing scene” from which there is no escape. Not to mention red blood cell counts will drop, thus creating a sort of “space anemia”. Furthermore, immunity suffers drastically, wound healing slows, and sleep is chronically disturbed.
Living on Mars has potential to cause harsh changes to the body, however it opens up new possibilities never before imagined. For example, it could create the possibility of Humans evolving to breathe Carbon Dioxide or “Martians” could develop hostile or warlike tendencies towards the “Earthlings”. On the other hand, religion on Mars could be a useful tool for explaining difficult conditions of life, the risk of sudden catastrophe, the sense of suffering, and the purpose of their mission, and educational systems would have to be made for new-coming

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