
Colonization Of The United States

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The creation, evolution, and ascension to greatness of the United States of America is often attributed to the deeds and works of men. Presidents, leaders, and other great minds often take credit for the formation of this once great nation. However, behind those prominent figures, there are processes and concepts that are in motion. Ideas such as settler colonialism, chattel slavery, and globalization are the things that have truly shaped the United States. The first 13 colonies were founded upon the basis of settler colonialism, the growth of the nation was enabled by chattel slavery, and the rise of the country as a world power was brought about by Globalization. Despite all of this, one must take into consideration the repercussions of such rapid development. Globalization connected the US to other nations and allowed Settler Colonialism and Chattel Slavery to affect more groups of people. The unequal material conditions of land and labor that resulted from these processes benefited the US to the detriment of other races. Christopher Columbus came to the Americas with the ideas of Whiteness and the Doctrine of Discovery. With Early European settlers began the long and ongoing process of settler colonialism. They forced or coerced the Indians out of their lands and then colonized them for themselves. Shortly after, the slave trade commenced and slaves were brought in from West Africa to the Americas. This completed the Settler Colonial Triad, with white settlers

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