
Combining Adjuvant Drug Therapy For Risperidone Essay

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Combining Adjuvant drug therapy to Risperidone

Combining Adjuvant drug therapy to Risperidone
1. Abstract
ASD also known as Autism spectrum disorder or simply Autism is a disorder that is very common in children especially in male children and it is known to that mainly affect the behavior, ability to communicate with others, ability to interact socially with others and level of interest to things of people.
The disorder is usually treated using two common drugs known as Aripiprazole and risperidone. The disorder can also be treated using therapy and some therapy drugs. The research below is to deduce what will be the outcome of combining risperidone to adjuvant drug therapy. This is done through analysis of conclusions drawn and effects observed from credible research articles previously conducted by other researchers. From the analysis of the research by the other researchers, conclusions drawn are that when compared, use of risperidone alone and the use of risperidone together with an adjunctive drug such as Riluzole and N-acetylcysteine the results prove that combination of risperidone with an adjuvant drug is more effective and helpful to patients suffering from autism.

2. Introduction
The research below was aimed at helping patients who face several forms of psychiatric disorders. An example of a disorder in this category is the disruptive behavior and Autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Background Information
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This is a

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