
Commodified Labor Power

Decent Essays

Commodified labor power is sustained by personal reproductive and female reproductive labor. Both of these forms of labor are lesser recognized because they don’t directly produce profit...unlike slavery. Slave labor is less recognized by consumers in today’s economy because it is the most extreme exploitation of a human’s labor power, and the commodification of humans allows the consumer to delay thinking of where the labor came from, or ignore it altogether. Individuals laboring as slaves give the most to capitalism with virtually no return. Simultaneously, an abusive industry grows and its investors profit and thrive from the capital surplus derived from free labor. Slavery exists all around the world and affects everyone from the clothes they buy to the food they eat. Although the the 13th Amendment to the U.S. constitution abolished slavery, it still allows for it to be used as a punishment for crime (13th Amendment, 2016). Therefore, inside the United States, any prisoner is subject to involuntary servitude and extreme exploitation for capital gain.
Capital gain is reliant on exploitation by some means. Social division of labor is imperative to the continuation of human labor exploitation. It coincides with consumers ignoring the condition of labor behind a product. Even when the exploitation of labor is understood, it’s perpetuated by every class’ reliance on manufactured goods. Primitive accumulation, coined by Karl Marx, is a form of exploitation that was critical to the switch from feudalism to capitalism--it was the process in which people were dispossessed of their personal means of production and forced into wage labor. In “Primitive Accumulation from …show more content…

Yates, a cultural studies graduate

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