
The Formula Of Capital By Karl Marx

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At this juncture in Capital, Karl Marx introduces a conceptual problem investigating whether the formula of capital reached its current description from a series of natural and inevitable phases in human history. Marx contends capital to be unnatural and its current state to ascend from human-made historical and social economic systems. Despite this, the Neoclassicals and Neoliberals of current mainstream economics trust that this formula for capital has been how humans operate and have always operated (w source?). Marx’s development into this definition serves to be historical and abstracted through the concrete measurements from the circulation of capital. Marx illuminates capital’s unnatural characterization via The General Formula of Capital (or the Self-Moving Substance that is Subject) to uncover precise complications and contradictions. As a result, Marx derives a solution engaging evidence clarifying this mode of circulation as historically specific to capital and cannot be explained as a natural product of human nature.
From a historical analysis on the circulation of commodities, Marx challenges to inquire an issue behind capital’s unnatural behavior. He enlightens there is a logical and historic origin of capital with an imperative emphasis meticulously on the historical origin. Marx apprises the evident historic origins of capitalism by perceiving “However, we do not need to look back at the history of capital’s origins in order to recognize that money is its

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