
Common Core Standards

Decent Essays

As pre-service teachers it is important to keep up to date with the standards and how they can affect our cooperating teacher's students as well as our own future students. It is never too early to start learning information that will improve your ability to increase your ability to teach students better in the long run. Also with all the changes going on with Common Core, it is ever changing and thusly even more important to keep up to date with because these are the guides to which we will be building our lessons upon in the future and really even now. Understanding the Common Core is also a good idea because they can be confusing and starting early gives us a better chance at being able to use them in an effective was in the future by understanding …show more content…

That being said, with a family of educators surrounding me every time I go home I hear about them all to frequently in passing, and for the most part many say they are a great way in which to make our system more similar throughout the nation but my aunt thinks differently. She has just gone back to school to get her education degree in California and this summer we had an interesting conversation where she start out by saying “Common Core is nothing but a jail cell that confines teachers in what they can do with students.” I remember thinking, isn’t that more the result of standardized testing than Common Core, and after watching the video for this class I would disagree with my aunt whole heartedly. Common Core is meant to be a guide and to help us as teachers set realistic goals for our units and lessons not forcing us into a pigeonhole. In the video Sara says that it is a common mistake to use the Standards in the way my aunt was talking about but that that is not what they are to used for that in fact they are there to help guide your lessons with goals meant to help facilitate a great depth of knowledge, and to lesson repetition in order to see the bigger

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