
Common Core State Standards In Louisiana Essay

Decent Essays

In the news lately, there has been a controversy regarding the Common Core State Standards in Louisiana. This controversy has been going on for the last several months and there have been different ideas said by different groups of people. The parties that have been involved in the controversy include parents, teachers, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, Education Superintendent John White, the Board of Education and Secondary Education (BESE), and the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). The controversy over Common Core has to do with the lawsuits that have been filed, certain tests that should or should not be taken, and the legality and suspension of state contracts regarding the state’s education. The controversy over Common Core in Louisiana has had an impact on people in the government, BESE, and parents and teachers. Parents and teachers created a lawsuit filed against Bobby Jindal about Common Core because they feel that he is meddling with the education board's work (Samuels). This lawsuit was filed because they felt that Bobby Jindal was violating the state's constitution in actions he has taken against the standards (Deslatte). In response, …show more content…

Bobby Jindal would bar BESE from implementing any assessment program developed by the PARCC after he filed his lawsuit. He did this because he believed PARCC had too much power to make state education decisions and the agreement with them was unconstitutional. Supporters believe that these standards will better prepare students for college and careers. Many people support the standards set by Common Core and PARCC such as the parents, teachers, BESE, John White, and state lawmakers (Deslatte). Earlier in the year, the state lawmakers refused to end Louisiana's use of the standards. This is an issue regarding the standards set by Common

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