
Communication Case Study Anthony

Decent Essays

Anthony is a 21 year old male who resides with his family in Westfield, MA. Anthony has a primary diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome with secondary diagnosis of ADHD and anxiety. Anthony is attending Holyoke Community College, where he is pursuing a degree in Computers Science. He has been working with his MRC counselor to identify appropriate supports that could be implemented to help him be successful with his vocational goals. For this reason, an assistive technology evaluation was requested to determine if any, technologies could assist him with the successful completion of this goal.
Functional Capacities:
Anthony is able to complete all basic activities of daily living with independence. He is able to ambulate across …show more content…

Anthony articulates well, and he has better explained the material verbally rather than typing. The ATS discussed the possibility of using speech recognition software instead of writing. The ATS had Anthony try the Window Speech Recognition program. He liked having the computer write for him as he spoke. Next, Anthony tried the Dragon NaturallySpeaking program. Both programs could provide him with the ability to place his thoughts down on paper before he forgets them. Although, having the playback feature which the Dragon NaturallySpeaking program provides will help Anthony with the writing process. He also liked the thought that he can use the Dragon NaturallySpeaking program when emailing. The Windows Speech Recognition program does not operate with other applications. The ATS is recommending Anthony is provided with the Dragon NaturallySpeaking Program Premium version with a USB headset. The ATS is recommending Anthony access the research project calculator application to help organize his time with large writing assignments. To help Anthony with grammar and punctuation, the ATS will give Anthony a list of free grammar checkers to support him with his …show more content…

To support Anthony with his difficulty with math the ATS will be placing shortcuts onto his laptop for immediate admission to the free websites Purple Math and Math TV. Having the quick access can help Anthony with his math assignments. The ATS is also recommending Anthony use free Math Calculators provided by the Google play store.

Organization: To promote healthy time management and organization, the ATS would like to use Anthony’s Google account. He can access and manipulate his calendar events more easily either on his phone or on his computer. Syncing and using the Google Calendar will allow Anthony to organize and manage his time efficiently. To help reduce anxiety the ATS would like for Anthony to try the I Can Be Free Application found on the Google Play Store. This application can help modify thoughts and emotions, and will allow him to make immediate alterations to how he perceives and deals with

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