
Communism : A Theory Or System Of Social Organization

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Communism Communism is a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. The word ‘communism’ derived from Latin word ‘communis’ which means common, universal. ( Dictionary Reference- Communism) In the 1840s, a German philosopher named Karl Marx published books that talking about Marxism which is known as communism nowadays. Marx said class struggle is a problem of the society. Marx founded the Communist Correspondence Committee in 1846. Their plan was to try and link socialist who live in different part of Europe. In this time many socialist leaders were influenced by Marxism. This is the begging of the communism. The concept of Marxism is socialism versus nationalism. Nationalism is based on ownership of property; however socialism is control and management of property by society. Marxism is based on socialism which property is controlled by society. Communism’s most important goal is reaching utopia. Utopia is made by Thomas More in 1516. It is a combination of Greek ‘εὖ’ which mean ‘good’ and ‘τόπος’ which mean ‘place’. So utopia mean ‘good place’. But nowadays’ standard usage describes utopia as non-existing society that is much better than the society which we are living right now. Thomas More’s book, ‘Utopia’, describes how utopia really looks like. In the book, ’utopia’, There are 100, 0000 people living in this island. And there is no money

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