
Communism In Russia

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The Fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 was a time in history that the world will never forget. "Gorbachev’s resignation on Christmas Day 1991 marked the end of the 74-year Soviet experiment to create a communist utopia." (Ziegler, 170) From that day on, Boris Yeltsin was now president of the new independent Russian state. This also signified the end of the Cold war, which lasted from 1946 to 1991. A few days later, representatives from 11 soviet republics met in Minsk and declared that they would establish a Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). This was the temporary form of government to replace the communistic form of government they had before. This was a tough time for the Soviets, as they completed shifted to a new form of government …show more content…

During this time, Lenin "urged the creation of a system of national republics, equal in status, to allow limited autonomy for different ethnic groups." (Longworth, 122) In 1924, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was created. This was considered to be Russia’s second constitution, after the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic that was established in 1917. The USSR was formed to function as a federal system that was based on limited autonomy. Education and all forms of publishing were required to be in the national languages, and there cultural freedom was also limited. Moscow was basically the government headquarters for the USSR, and had the most power as well. “Moscow could override any actions that were deemed incompatible with the interests of socialism, as defined by the Communism party.” (Ziegler, 86) This form of government was therefore supposed to be highly centralized. The Communism party of the Soviets was organized on the principle of “democratic centralism”, which meant that voting would occur and that ideas could be put forward. The party was never actually democratic in their decisions, though, they used it as an advantage for the concentration of power. During this time, Lenin was easily considered to be the dominant figure of the Revolution. However, poor health and an assassination attempt led to Lenin’s death in 1924. It was clear before his death that Lenin and …show more content…

This shocked the people of the Soviet Union as they believed Stalin was omnipotent. A massive funeral was held for Stalin, with thousands of mourners. His body was preserved next to those of Lenin in the mausoleum on Red Square. After his death, there was a big problem surrounding the Soviets because Stalin had not left any testament regarding a successor. A solution was devised that the top posts were to be divided among themselves, in a form of collective leadership. “After Stalin’s death, the Ministry of Internal Affairs split into two organizations: a criminal policing agency; and a separate secret police, the Committee for State Security (KGB), subordinate to the Council of Ministers.” (Ziegler, 114) Georgia Malenkov became Prime Minister of the government’s Council of Ministers, and for a time appeared to be the most powerful of the top Soviet leaders. Nikita Khrushchev was the General Secretary of the Communist Party Central Committee. Khrushchev used his new position to appoint supporters to important republic and regional levels of the Party organization. Viacheslav Molotov became Minister of Foreign Affairs. Once these positions had been assigned and Lavrentii Beria, the main threat was arrested and executed, each began maneuvering against the others to consolidate and expand his power. The Soviet leadership agreed to reform to address the needs of Soviet consumers who had been asked to make heroic

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