
Communism: Similarities Between Tsarism And Stalinism

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Despite they’re being many similarities between Tsarism and Stalinism, it is too far to say Joseph Stalin acted in a way for him to be known as a “Red Tsar”. He implemented much of the same strategies as the Tsars before him but also drifted away and opposed much of Tsarism. His believed communism was the underlying factor in changing Russia, which wasn’t the case of a Tsarist regime. He portrayed himself as a personality cult who used the media to convey an ideolised heroic version of himself, very much like Tsar Nicholas II. He also implemented much of the same governmental structures of Tsarism, just under the badge of communism. Whilst Tsars had their body of Nobles and Okrana, Stalin had his Nomenklatura and NVKD. He controlled, manipulated

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