
Community And Irony In Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

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Our traditions which are the fiber of our core can either enlighten us or enslaved us into a mob mentality of thinking that can will corrupt our children The destruction and devastation that were causing can effect not just a village but our entire nation
The Lottery takes place on a warm sunny summer day of June 1948. The village all gather around ten o’clock around the post office and the bank. This village is very small compared to other villages, this particular village has only about three hundred people and we know that because the lotter only takes about two hours where other take days. The Destructors takes on the eve of the August Bank Holiday. The gang is starting its morning meeting at an impromptu cark park that is the site of the …show more content…

The day is nice and sunny all of the villagers are gathering with each other laughing, talking and smiling with one another. The lottery is in anticipation to start for the whole village and everyone has rushed to make sure that they are ready to get there paper. The irony of the day is that one person in the village is going to be stoned by the whole village and the feeling in the air is a since of tradition that they are proud to continue even though other villages have been thinking of ending the tradition. The fact that this is called a lottery is ironic because when you hear the word lottery you think of something to win and grand prize not something that will kill you. The tone in The Destructors is irony for all the characters even the one character that it seems his life is good. The devastation of the world that they have been born into has destroyed the innocence of the children and has left them with a hart filled of coil and a desire to destroy. Old Misery name is ironic because he has not suffered from the bombing or the down economy has been given a name of despair but the children who have will soon give him the ownership for his name when they tear his house down from the inside

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