
Comparative Family Policies Same Sex Marriage

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Homework One
Comparative Family Policies—same-sex Marriage
On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of the freedom to marry, allowing same-sex couples to marry nationwide. So far 21 other countries also passed laws that made same-sex marriage legal nationwide. What are these countries that allow same-sex marriage? When or in which year did each country make it legal? 1 (5 pts) Argentina (2010)
Belgium (2003)
Brazil (2013)
Canada (2005)
Denmark (2012)
England/Wales (2014)
Finland (2015, eff. 2017)
France (2013)
Iceland (2010)
Ireland (2015)
Luxembourg (2015)
Netherlands (2001)
New Zealand (2013)
Norway (2009)
Portugal (2010)
Scotland (2014)
South Africa (2006)
Spain (2005)
Sweden (2009)
Unites States (2015) …show more content…

(2 pts)
From the legal point of view same-sex couples have the same rights as cohabiting couples in South Africa. They have the same anti-discrimination laws, the same parenting and adoption rights, the same sexual activity rights and all other citizen rights. But for the society gay and lesbian couple are not yet completely integrated and accepted. 2
3. What is this country’s child adoption policy in general? (4 pts)
Adoption in South Africa is regulated by the Children’s Act (Act 38 of 2005). A child may be adopted jointly by spouses, partners in a permanent domestic life-partnership, or other persons sharing a household and forming a permanent family unit. A child may also be adopted by a widower/widow, single person; by a person married to the parent of the child; by the biological father of a child born out of marriage; or by the foster parent of the child.3
4. Does this country allow gay and lesbian adoption? How does their law specify regulations regarding adoption? (3 pts)
Yes, gay and lesbian partners in South Africa have the same adoption rights as married spouses (same- or opposite- sex), allowing for both joint and step adoption. 4
5. Read and cite three peer reviewed articles specifically about the issue of children in same-sex households (the articles do not have to be about the U.S. or the country you choose), comment on the positive and negative aspects of child-rearing in same sex marriages or households. (6 pts)

a) The first article is on a study of

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