
Compare And Contrast Ammonium Nitrate And Calcium Chloride

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How will the temperature of the water change in reaction to the addition of the ammonium nitrate and the calcium chloride?
Background Information: The experiment deals with cold packs and hot packs and it demonstrates how they work. Cold packs and hot packs are used to help heal injuries mainly. Cold packs help heal sprained ankles, since they remove heat from the inflicted area and make the blood vessels tighten, which lowers the inflammation and pain. Cold packs usually include water, ammonium nitrate or some other salt and fertilizer. The water is kept separate in an inner container separate from the ammonium nitrate until the cold pack is needed. When the cold pack is needed, the cold pack is squeezed, which makes the inner container of water open and the ammonium nitrate to mix. The ammonium nitrate dissolves in the water and creates the cold pack. The cold pack is used to decrease the effect of increased blood flow to an area, while a hot pack is used to increase blood flow to an area, such as an area with deep muscle pain. The hot pack adds heat the affected area and makes the blood vessels dilate. Hot packs usually contain the same stuff as the cold pack does, but instead of ammonium nitrate, they contain calcium chloride. Therefore, when a hot pack is needed the pad is squeezed and the water and the calcium chloride mix, which creates the hot pack.
There are new concepts that relate to this lab, such as exothermic and endothermic reactions.
Endothermic reactions

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