
Compare And Contrast Ancient Egypt Vs America

Decent Essays

Ancient civilizations and empires have captured the eye and attention of historians for hundreds of years. From the lost civilization of Alexandria to the ever-present myth of Atlantis (fact or fiction?), history that has grown has caught the eye of many. Particularly, Ancient Egypt seems as rich in history and secrets as Greece or Rome. Egypt and modern day America don’t hold as many similarities as one might think, but they seem entangled together regardless of differences. Ancient Egypt and modern day America hold many similarities. In terms of roots in society, both Egypt and America started out as simple agrarian societies. America was rooted in agricultural success in its early life before it advanced towards a more industrialized one in the 1760s to the 1820-40s. Both Egypt and America also, alongside the agrarian heritage, were multiracial and multicultural in essence. Due to Egypt being situated in Africa, it supplied America with slaves as much as the rest of the continent did. Egypt’s African roots also added to the heritage and ultimate inhabitants of the nation, but the rulers and royalty always held …show more content…

In the past, trading and military dominance were the basis of nearly all nations of the world – it was how they maintained their standing in terms of sheer strength and how they ultimately grew as a nation. Due to being both a power and a formidable opponent in battle, Ancient Egypt and America both have relied on military on land as well as in the sea. Trading, as it was a large portion of every newborn nation’s growth, was especially important to both the Ancient civilization and modern day America. The importation of plants, animals, birds, and even people spurred the growth of a civilization until it transformed into an empire worthy of the history

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