
Compare And Contrast Anita Desai And Kamala Markandaya

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Anita Desai is more interested in the interior landscape of the mind than in political and social realities. Writing, for her "is an effort to discover, and then to underline, and finally to convey the true significance of things". Her novels according to her,” deal with the terror of facing, single - handed, the ferocious assaults of existence." Anita Desai's protagonists are mostly women who, though they have reached different stages in life from school-girl to grandmother are all fragile introvert "trapped in their own skins." Their emotional trauma sometimes leads to violent death, in the end. As an artist Kamala Markandaya’s fiction is concerned with change in feminine sensibility brought about by the social, economic and cultural forces, whereas Anita Desai’s major concern is about exploration of the psychological condition of the oppressed hyper-sensitive women. The synoptic views of Anita Desai and Kamala Markandaya’s portray the women protagonists in terms of the shifting sensibilities and changing attitudes of married Indian women. It also tries to analyze the portrayal of women characters that belong to rural and urban upper classes of Indian society. As an artist Kamala Markandaya’s fiction is concerned with …show more content…

Bim is successful in attaining "positive detachment" when she learns to involve herself in action without caring for its fruit. Earlier her vision was clouded by vagueness in the fact that she expected fruit for her labour, for her sacrifice for the family in the form of gratitude. When she is not awarded this, she develops hatred for her loved ones and suffers from frustration as a result. But in the end she forgives everyone for their betrayal and as a consequence attains her own serenity and poise. She develops a healthy attitude towards her life and accepts the world as it

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