
Compare And Contrast Aztec And Inca

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The Mayas, Aztec And the Incas all lived in south America. One of the Mayas capital was tikal, it was one of many Maya capital. One of the Atec many capitals was what is now now as Mexico. The only Inca capital was Machu Picchu, it was easy to get attacked. The mayas were around 2,000 years the Aztec were too. The Inca were when the Spanish came the disease were there down fall. The Aztec had the group with the most wars. The next thing i will talk about is there religion.

The Aztec, the Maya and the Inca all believed in gods. They all also believed in human sacrifices. The Incas only sacrificed their children to the mountain spirits. The Mayans sacrificed humans to ask for a favor. The Incas sacrificed children to protect them from the

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