
Compare And Contrast Egypt And Mesopotamia

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Throughout history, many civilizations have emerged and blossomed, but the ones that could be perceived as prevalent all have one common trait; a form of religion or religious ceremony in their culture. Two of the most religiously influenced ancient civilizations that we know of, Egypt and Mesopotamia, had very dominant and differing religions in the cultures that they inhabited. That being said, a question is to be asked, what was different about the religions that made them contrast? Which religion was healthier for the civilization in terms of spiritual freedom, or the contentment of the collective peoples? What is certain, however, is that the many varying variables of these ancient civilizations religions are based on the habitat that these ancient peoples lived and are directly correlative to how they saw their gods, in an almost psychosomatic sense. A direct relation between geography and the level of fear and worship would be apt to label the cause of the differences between these civilizations. …show more content…

The Egyptians view of their religious deities stemmed from the observed behavior of their beloved Nile, in which, the river was rather calm, cool, and predictable. The Sumerians also had based their deities off the river which their livelihood was hanging on, however, this was a bit different. The Tigris and Euphrates river were rather chaotic, causing the Sumerians, who lived there to visualize their gods in a much, lesser light. The gods who in the minds of the Sumerians were cruel, fickle, and unpredictable. So, both the Egyptians and the Sumerians based their gods off the forces of nature, however, they did it to very, very different

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