The physical environments of Egypt and Mesopotamia do explain their cultural differences. Egyptians had natural barriers and fertile, predictable land, while Mesopotamians had unpredictable land and no protection from invaders. These key differences are the basis of the cultural differences between the two regions, and explain different parts of their culture, such as their outlook on life/afterlife and their rulers. Egyptians viewed the afterlife in a very positive way - they believed if they lived by the standards of “Ma’at”, they would end up in the “Happy Field of Food” or “Field of Offerings” in the afterlife. “Ma’at”, simply put, composed of acting in ways that are truthful, harmonious, moral, balanced, and orderly. In simple terms, Egyptians believed that if they acted with morality, they would have a happy afterlife with no hunger or pain. Mesopotamians had a much darker view of life after death: they believed they would spend eternity in the “House of Dust” with other tortured souls. Mesopotamian gods were not moral or truthful - they cheated, lied, stole, etc., and Mesopotamians believed that humans were created simply because the gods grew tired of working. Mesopotamians worshipped their gods because they believed if they worshipped enough, they may receive blessings or justice, but this was not guaranteed. Egyptian rulers were viewed as completely divine incarnations of their gods: Horus in life, and Osiris in death. Egyptian citizens believed that so long
Ancient Egypt believed in many gods, making them polytheistic. One of their major gods was Ra, the god of the sun. They believed in a process called mummification. Mummification is a process that an important man in Egypt had to go through before going into the afterlife. The afterlife was very important to the Egyptians because they believed in second chances in life. Osiris and Anubis would judge an individual 's heart to the feather of Ma’at. If the heart outweighed the feather, then Ammut would devour the heart, condemning the individual to oblivion (Book of the Dead, Pinedjem II).
Furthermore, the Egyptians were polytheistic meaning that they believed in many gods. They also believed in the afterlife. The Egyptians believed that if they mummified their dead and buried the dead’s riches with them, then they would be well off in the afterlife.
Historians are confident that Mesopotamia and Egypt are the earliest documented civilizations based on archaeological evidence. They are known for their innovations in technology, agriculture, and law, which society uses today. The evidence from various researches by credible historians and archeologist shows that indeed both civilizations had a legal system whether written or not. The Mesopotamian people were tame by rules put forth by Hammurabi – the sixth king of Ancient Babylon – referred to as Hammurabi’s Code by historians. The Mesopotamian government went to great lengths to spell out their laws, and consequences for breaking them, in depth detail; on the other hand, Egypt failed to do the same. While less visible proof of Egyptian law exists today, there is evidence that proves they had a structured and progressive legal society. Even though both societies were advanced, their legal system in many ways contrasted each other.
Both Mesopotamia and Egypt between 3000 and 600 B.C.E had similarities and differences. Both regions differ in regards to social structure concerning gender roles, social classes, and slavery. However Mesopotamia and Egypt shared similar technological developments in regards to mathematics, astronomy, and writing as well as political structure as it regards to taxes, kingship, and the power of religion.
While describing the cultural among the people of Mesopotamia and Egypt, I learned the differences and similarities in culture. The birth of Mesopotamian Civilization began in c. 3000 B.C.E., in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers of Southwest Asia. Mesopotamia is a Greek word and it means ‘between the rivers.’ In contrast, the birth of Egyptian Civilization began in c. 3100 B.C.E., in a valley of the Nile River in Northeastern Africa. Egypt is a Greek word and it means ‘House of the Spirit of Ptah.’ Since there are several categories in the cultures of the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians, I decided to narrows it to three categories: Religion, Writing, and Geography. The three categories will present the basis to compare cultural differences and similarities.
The Egyptians were ruled by their pharos, which were their gods. The pharos could identify themselves with gods whom they please to be. There were many gods, like the son god and the sky god. The people honored these gods by building them temples. In other words, the people were very fond of the gods (Humanities, 18). In egypt, church and state were not separated, meaning that all their rules and regulations came from their gods. All their religion and governing was decided based on each other (Messner 8-30-2017). However, this was not something that was seen as negative to the Egyptians. The Egyptians were very thankful to their gods because their gods were kind to them. The promise of immortality and how much better the after life would be, encouraged the Egyptians (Humanities, 18). In contrast, the Sumerians had a more negative outlook to human existence because of the kind of treatment they received from their gods.
The Ancient Egyptians everyday lives really showed through in their beliefs and religion. They were polytheistic and believed in over 2,000 gods including Re, the sun god, Osiris, the god of death, and Isis, the goddess of maternity who also resembled the ideal mother and wife. To them, their pharaohs were not just pharaohs, they were the actual gods themselves. They also believed in the afterlife. When they died it was really just a continuation of their regular life. The god Anubis weighed their souls, if it was lighter than a feather, they were free to pass into the afterlife, any heavier and the Devourer of Souls would eat it. The Egyptians would also mummify their pharaohs to preserve their bodies for the afterlife. The process was very
Ancient Egyptians believed that the god Osiris was king of the dead who was responsible for “the judgment of dead souls” once they had reached the underworld. Osiris became king of the underworld after he was murdered by his brother Set. Osiris was believed to have once “possessed human form and lived upon earth”. In order to enter Osiris’ underworld, a dead person had to undertake a hard journey which would involve spells or spoken texts, and amulets. Osiris decided who would go to the next world in the ‘Hall of Judgment’. To be accepted into the next world, you had to show that you were “balanced” and this was tested by Osiris “weighing your
The Egyptians also believed in the afterlife that was similar to what it was like when they were living. This is why they buried things that would be helpful in the afterlife.
The afterlife was also what drove the civilizations religion. This was one of the main purposes for their religion and death wasn’t seen as the end but as a brief interruption to the journey to the afterlife. Pharaohs spent their whole lives preparing for death and the afterlife.
Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt both had a similar climate. They are located in river valleys or areas of flat land that has a river running through it. Yearly it would flood and once the water receded, it would leave behind fertile soil that was great for planting.The rivers were used for food, soil, water, and even transportation.
Ancient egypt had many beliefs one of their beliefs was in the afterlife. They make people into mummies when they die .Egyptian religion was a blend of convictions and practices which, in the present day, would incorporate enchantment, folklore, science, medication, psychiatry, mysticism, herbology, and additionally the advanced comprehension of 'religion' as faith in a higher power and an eternal life.. There were 700 celestial creatures and goddesses and many were combined to make new divine beings. There was a request of perfect creatures, and Amun Ra the Sun God and Isis consistently juggled the unique position.
Egyptian religious beliefs shared some similarities with Mesopotamian beliefs, but differenced in many important ways. Egyptians had numerous explanations for the formation of the
The last way Egyptians and Mesopotamian civilizations diverge and converge with each other is because of their accomplishments. They both accomplished mathematics, medicine, architecture of their structures dedicated to their gods, and calendars. Both probably accomplished these specific tasks because each either helped them survive or helped them religious wise. One achievement that was exclusive to the Egyptians was mummification. In ancient Egyptian
Egyptians had a very complicated religion. Egyptians religion was complicated but some of the most known things are their gods and goddesses, their cats, and their mummies.The Egyptians had a religion that if you put a dead body in a coffin or a sarcophagus, they could go to the afterlife and have everything they need with them. They thought it would be good if they could send the people who died to the afterlife they could live a second life. A certain rank would have to write on the coffin a spell book so they could pass the dangers. They believed that there was crocodiles and other bad things in the passageway to the next life. They also took your organs out so your body would dry out and that your soul needed your body for a resting place. In Egyptians took this so seriously that they even had a god to mummify a person. They believed they needed to honor this god by wearing his jackal mask when they were doing his task. Also they believed that the god would way his heart with the dead person’s heart and if it weighed more than his, he would eat it and they would not be able to go to the next life. Also Egyptians honored cats. If you hurt a cat you could die, they also believed that if you had a pet cat your house would be safer and your crops would grow faster. You would have great luck if you had a pet cat! Also if your cat died it would be placed next to you when you died. Egyptians believed that cats had magical powers. If you hurt a cat you