
Compare And Contrast Essay

Better Essays

Introduction questions:
1. What is Comparison? Comparision shows the similarities between two or more subjects.
2. What is Contrast? Contrast shows the differences between subjects:
3. What are the 2 ways in which a writer uses Comparison in a Comparison and Contrast essay? (Write a complete sentence for each one.)
Comparison: The similar broadcast times and topics of the two movies force the insomniac to choose between them.
Contrast: The different actors, locations, and reputations of the two movies make it possible for the insomniac to choose one.
4. What are points of comparison?
Points of comparison are the attributes of the class and thus of the subjects within the class.
5. What are the 2 options writers have for arranging a …show more content…

In order to get full points please use complete sentences, one word answers won’t be accepted and you will receive zero points for them. In regards to the terms that need to be looked up in a dictionary, use the definition that best matches the story.)
The Middle-Class Black’s Burden by Leanita McClain, pgs. 233- 235
1. the state of being incongruous or out of keeping:
"the incongruity of his fleshy face and skinny body disturbed her"
McClain is going on vacations and living a nice life due to all her hard work. Meanwhile she is watching family members and close friends struggle to make a living or get an education. McClain is aware of her nice life she built for himself, but she can 't properly enjoy it without guilt.
2. McClain wrote about having the position of an economically successful African American that is subjected to mistaken judgments by both blacks and whites. She feels like it 's a burden because of the way both sides make her feel.
3. I believe she is refferring to slavery and how her ancestors were treated by white people. She feels haunted by the past and that white people see her as being below them.
4. Proverbial. I 'm going to stick out like the proverbial sore thumb. Antiquated. This antiquated heating and air system. Ideaology. The ideaology of republicanism. Berate. I berated my daughter for slapping her brother. Reproach. She gave him a look of reproach. Nemesis. Captain America is facing his old

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