
Compare And Contrast Gilgamesh And Noah

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The story of the great flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh, where the ignorance of gods between man is noticed purely. Same as the story of Noah’s Ark, god wants all men to die due to the mass of sins. The Epic of Gilgamesh and The story of Noah are very similar but different in their own perspective. In Gilgamesh the gods have been peeved by the noise and rambles of the people and decides to kill them all. In the Genesis God decides to kill most men to recover from sins, both similar ambitions.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh Utnapishtim says, “I heard the whisper of the god saying that a huge genocide will happen and the gods are angry”. He warns the townsfolk and his family but fail ultimately by leaving them for saving 2 of each animal. But in the gods defense they realized how much of a terrible mistake they have made. When releasing the bottomless water gates and conjuring a powerful 40-day storm, “they quickly found them selves clinging to the high wall of the great god like dogs, whimpering for a scrap of food from the butchers shop”. Utnapishtim suffered the most from this. He had to leave his family for the better of the earth but in return he will be granted …show more content…

“the sins of man is overwhelming and must repent” . Noah was chosen from god of his worthiness, and chosen to build a massive boat and fill them with 2 of each animals and plants of the world. Noah did what he was told and soon after god called apun the storm and soon the flood rose. “as God called the wind a storm brewed in the sky looking like a cauldron of gun powder”. The storm happened for 7-days and 7-nights, it slowly killed all life on earth but the ark. God has felt guilt of killing all of humanity and will make a promise to never do this atrocity ever again. “as the 7 days gone by the wind came to me and say a dove, I reached out to it to retrieve the sapling of a leaf knowing life is

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