
Compare And Contrast Malcolm X And Martin Luther King Jr

Decent Essays

Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. were two big names during the 1950’s and 60’s with both leaders advocating for justice for the black community. Malcolm X and King had similarities as well as differences such as in the methods that they both chose regarding their decision of using violence or nonviolence when confronted with violence, their views on how America would look between black people and whites, and their goals that they wanted to achieve using those methods

First off, the tactics that these civil rights leaders were very different and that is one thing that separates both Malcolm and Martin. Malcolm X believed in not using nonviolent tactics when black people were confronted with violence while King believed that the only way that black people could overcome their problems in America was by nonviolent methods weather that be the …show more content…

One of King’s most famous quotes in one about injustice “Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice Everywhere.” What this quote means is that King wanted to eliminate injustice no matter where it was in his goal even though his methods were integration and nonviolence he believed that though these methods justice will come to black people in America. Malcolm X in one of his quotes when talking about his demands that he wanted to take from the white man he said “ We want Justice by any means necessary.” Although this quote highlights his methods of not using nonviolence when black people are confronted with violence this quote also shows that his goal and the goals of his movement was justice for black people in America. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King both believed that the true goal of their own movement was the justice of black people in America and that is one thing that both King and Malcolm X share in

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