
Compare And Contrast Malcolm X And Martin Luther King

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Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were both Civil Right Leaders fighting for the same people and same right. They both wanted to achieve their same goal but in a different way of supporting it and dealing with it. One thing they did have indifference was that they had different beliefs, Martin didn’t believe in violence while Malcolm did. They were both assassinated for fighting for their rights. Both men did have completely different past lifestyles but had the same dream.

Malcolm X was born on February 21, 1965, in Omaha Nebraska. He was the fourth of eighth child born. His father, Earl Little was a Baptist speaker and a supporter of Marcus Garvey’s pan African. How the whole thing started was because of his father he was involved with civil rights activism so his family kept on getting harassed by white people who hated black people. Malcolm X had to deal with racism before he was born. The harassment kept on going until Malcolm X was four years old the Ku Klux Klan members (what the group is called), broke all their windows and burned their house. Later on, Malcolm’s father moved them to Michigan. …show more content…

Martin was a middle child and how he got involved was because on the night Rosa Parks got arrested E.D Nixon head of the local NAACP chapter met with Martin Luther King Jr and other locals to boycott the bus Rosa Parks got arrested on. Martin lead the boycott because he was new to the community and he didn’t really have many enemies so they thought he would have a bigger impact on the black community. Martin’s way of fixing things was putting people in a civil right struggle in Alabama, the bus boycott involved 328 days of walking to work, harassment, violence and intimidating the African American community and both ed Nixon and Martin’s home was

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