
Compare And Contrast Mccarthy And Salem Witch Trials

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The Salem witch trials and the McCarthy Era may have quantities more in common with most current events way more than people realize. They all begin with the same mistakes and end with the same injustice. It all begins with the loss of trust and false accusations and all end with blacklisted and damaged reputations.
As said in The Crucible, the Salem witch trials began with land disputes and accusations from young girls about using “the devil’s magic,” or witchcraft. Nineteen that were accused were prosecuted and hanged. It all happened in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693. None of the accusations were true, however costed the lives of nineteen people. More people were accused however but more confessed and most got away with just prison. The accusations …show more content…

They both began with respected accusers who then spread more than just one accuser. McCarthy and Abigail both created this to provoke human imagination and cause hysteria to avoid and hide society and all problems. They also both took advantage of the nations’ phobia at the time to gain assistance in obtaining more attention.
I believe that relating situations could possibly be currently happening in multiple ways that people don’t understand. There are many 21st century McCarthy Era and Salem witch trials examples starting with Donald Trump to stereotype issues with police brutality, and doesn’t seem to have an end. Americans have lost trust in each other to where innocent Americans get interrogated and accused of many irrational crimes.
I believe that this could and possibly is beginning to occur once again. Donald Trump is creating a thought in society that believes and acts against diversity and unity in diversity to “Make American Great Again.” Instead of finding solutions to problems, he creates more issues to cause chaos and gain popularity in his presidential campaign, very similar to Senator Joseph

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