
Compare And Contrast Mexico And Usa

Decent Essays

Reuters says that studies show that Mexicans read less than three books a year on average, a product of low education levels and poverty. The USA is one of the richest countries compared to many other countries like Mexico. And the USA has a lot of funding to help families who don’t have money to get an education compared to Mexico who only funds a small portion to their education system. The Education system in Mexico and the USA are very different by the Discipline, Types of schools, and school system.

The discipline in the USA and Mexico are very different by the rules each student follows. In the USA, there is a phone call home, ISS and a referral. The rules sometimes tell you there is a dress code per your school. In Mexico, the student must wear a uniform every day and cannot dye their hair or even paint their nails for guys no long hair. The school system in Mexico if you do something bad they will just suspend you and not tell your parents. …show more content…

The US has many options on where to educate your kids you have the options of charter schools, public schools or private schools and home school. In Mexico, there is Primaria which is 1st to 6th grade. Secundaria comes next which is 7th to 9th grade. La Preparatoria is 9th to 12th grade and it is not enforced for you to go to high school in Mexico like it is in USA. In Mexico, there is only private and public schools and sometimes some schools called Tele secondarias which are schools found in rural areas where there are televised lessons for those students who can’t get into regular

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