
Compare And Contrast North And South

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The North and South were different. One area that was different was geography. The land and the areas they were in, were very different. Society was another area that was different. Transportation was completely different. The lives in the North and the South were so different.
Society in the North was all about how people moved from the farm area to the city. 7 in 10 people lived on the farms. They weren’t neither wealthy or powerful. The city population increased from 33 to 237. Society in the South most plantation owners were wealthy. People spent their time on Sunday’s going to church. Many Southerners in the 1860’s still measured wealth in terms of land and slaves.
Also transportation is was huge difference. In the North for the transportation they had to build roads so they could get across easily. Factory owners needed fast transportation so they could get to where they needed faster. Therefore the South isn’t the same as the North. They had to use riverboats or steamboats to travel. The riverboats could travel hundreds of miles and the slow current of the water made it easy to travel on. …show more content…

The North’s geography was cold and humid. They experienced freezing winters to hot humid summers. On the other hand the Southern states enjoyed the mild winters and long, hot, humid summers. They were surrounded by swamps and marshes as well as fertile lowlands. Geography was really different between the North and South.
For the most part the Northern and Southern states were different. They had some similarities, but they had two different lives. Society had the most similarities than any other area. The North and South had different areas. Like transportation and geography. They society had more in common. The North and South were completely

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