
Compare And Contrast Qin And Han Dynasties

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The Qin and Han dynasties changed many things regarding how China was governed. An example would be standardizing the units of measurement, currency, and the width of roads which Qin Shi Huang did to ease trade within his country, his choices strengthened the unity between areas under his command. Another change is the Han dynasty’s usage of education. Han rulers permit all boys to receive an education to a certain extent, however, if they wanted to further their education more; they would have to travel to the capital. One of the several changes Qin Shi Huang changed how dictators controlled China in many ways how he distributed his land and power. Chinese rulers used many of the changes implemented by Qin Shi Huang for over 2000 years. The Qin dynasty drew inspiration from the Zhou dynasty, however, they improved the Zhou methods …show more content…

1050 B.C.) and Zhou (1050–256 B.C.). After those dynasties came the Spring and Autumn Period (770–ca. 475 B.C.) followed by the Warring States Period(475–221 B.C.). The Warring States Period was a time of war, hence the name, and the cause of all that fighting was people who craved power and control over China. The difference between the Warring States Period and the Spring and Autumn period is that the Spring and Autumn Period had many, many small states while the Warring States Period had seven large states. After the Warring States Period, the victor, Qin Shi Huang emerged and formed the Qin Dynasty. Ordinarily, retaining power was difficult, but Qin Shi Huang managed to remain in power from 221 BC to 210 BC. Miraculously, he survived 3 assassination attempts, but he eventually fell to a mercury overdose during his search for eternal life. His control over China ended with his death, which consequently led to the quick demise of his

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